Graha Malika Yogam

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Important Things of Graha Malika Yogam in Tamil


Graha Malika Yogam

Graha Malika Yogam is one of the most important yogas mentioned in astrological texts. This yoga is when the new planets in one’s horoscope are arranged one after the other in a zodiac-like pattern. When all the planets are independent of each other and act on their own, that horoscope will start operating with a high degree of individuality. This is only possible in this yoga.

The person born in this yogam will have a good strong body and a fearless mind. No matter what career or business they are involved in, through their hard work, they will reach the pinnacle in those fields. If you are working in government, you will be in a position where you can manage many employees.

In fact, Graha Malika yogam plays an important role in making a person touch the pinnacle in his respective field. In this yoga, the planets do not attain weaknesses like sunset and planetary war together. We can go on saying a lot like this. To that extent, the benefit of Graha Malika yoga in astrology will be.

If you want to know more things about graha malika yogam in Tamil, feel free to contact us via WhatsApp number at +91 8610807400 or mail at
